Right. So it is now June. in fact it is the end of June and things have, as they often do, gone slightly differently to how they were planned. I'll tell you more in a minute.
(songs for Keith Girdler)
(songs for Keith Girdler)
...Is a new compilation album. Please tell anyone you know who might be interested. It is brilliant. Here's the thing - I've been busy and so have lots of other people - I wanted to make an album to remember Keith, so I contacted some of his favourite bands from over the last 20 years or so and most of them came back straight away and said 'yes'. Then they recorded a new song or dug out a previously unreleased song or found a song that has been unavailable for a long time and gave it to me. Then me and Julian at Church Road studio in Hove compiled and mastered it. Then Siesta Records from Madrid, one of the labels that used to release Keith's records (but you knew that already) said they would press it up / digitally upload it and make it available to the world. And the best thing is everyone gave their time for nothing or next to nothing so we only had some relativley small studio costs and manufacturing / promoting costs to deal with, which means that all the proceeds from the album can be donated to the Martletts Hospice in Hove, which is a fantastic organisation and the place that cared for Keith so well during his last months. And even better than that, Keith would have absolutely loved this album. Which is of course why I wanted to make it in the first place. It just took a bit longer than I hoped it would.
Here's the track listing:
1. St Christopher ‘I Can’t Forget You’
2. The Wake ‘Crush The Flowers’ (demo)
3. Pete Fijalkowski ‘Downsizing’
4. Lovejoy ‘Melancholia’
5. Hal ‘Down’
6. Trembling Blue Stars ‘Soft Evening, Brilliant Morning’
7. Louis Philippe ‘Lazy Thunderstorms’
8. Club 8 ‘What I’m Dreaming Of Is Something I Could Have’
9. The Clientele ‘Breathe In Now’
9. The Clientele ‘Breathe In Now’
10. The Times ‘Sold’ (alternative version)
11. Would Be Goods ‘I Believe You Cassandra’
11. Would Be Goods ‘I Believe You Cassandra’
12. Aberdeen ‘Baby I Don’t Care’
13.Love Dance ’His London’
14. The Orchids ‘The Lost Star’
15. Biff Bang Pow! ‘Back To The Start’.
Oh yes and as if that's not enough, there's more as well. But you have to buy a copy to find out...it will be worth it though, promise.
But that's the tricky bit. Buying it, I mean. It's not quite ready yet, but it will be soon. My advice is to check back here over the next week or two, or to check the Siesta Records website or to send me an email and I'll let you know when it's out. See you soon...
hi... nice to see this blog site up. thanks for helping to keep keith's wonderful gift alive.
this is a beautiful thing and I cannot wait for its arrival. keith remains in our hearts forever.
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